Yunex InView - Incident Maintenance Help and FAQ
Help and Frequently Asked Questions on using InView for Field Service related incidents.
  • Product Support Who do I contact regarding Problems accessing InView?
  • Click here for contact details for issues which include login failures and password problems.

  • Grid Settings How do I configure and make best use of my User Interface?
  • The User Interface grids can be configured as to which columns are shown and provides some useful data filtering. Click here for details.

  • Traffic Incident and Asset Management How do I manage my Incidents?
  • Click here for details of the creation of Incidents and their lifecycle.

  • Map How do I use the Map?
  • Click here for details on Map controls and terminology.

  • Assets How do I use the Site Grids?
  • Click here for details on searching for and examining sites.

  • Assets How do I manage my Sites and Equipment?
  • Click here for details of the creation and management of Site Assets.

  • Traffic Incident and Asset Management How do I configure and manage Automatic Fault Reporting?
  • Click here for details of automatic fault reporting from Stratos, UTC and RMS.

  • Availability Contract What do I need to know about Finance?
  • Click here for details on Finance.

  • Reports How do I generate Reports on my data?
  • Click here for details of how to use Reports.

  • Data Export How do I Export my Data?
  • Click here for details of how to use Data Export to extract data for offline analysis.

  • Document Management How do I store and use Documents belonging to incidents?
  • Document storage is a licensed option so will not be available to all customers. It allows documents of various types to be uploaded to InView and stored against the relevant item (Site, Equipment or Incident). Click here for details of the management and use of incident documents.

  • Mobile App How do I use Mobile Devices to connect to InView?
  • Click here for details of the use of InView on mobile devices and which devices are supported.

  • Availability Contract What do I need to know about an Availability based maintenance contract.?
  • Click here for details on an Availability based maintenance contract.

Incident Maintenance Help and Frequently Asked Questions
  • Grid Settings What things can I view or amend as an Administrator?
  • There are a variety of items under the heading of Administration. Click here for details.

  • Product Support How do I provide feedback on this Help Facility?
  • We would very much appreciate feedback on any aspect of this InView help, including comments, errors and omissions. Please email the Product Support Helpdesk with any contributions you may have.