Yunex InView - Map Controls and Terminology
Map Prerequisites

Only sites with coordinates will appear on the map. Click here for map preparation details.

Map Controls
Map Control Icons

Sidebar Options

Click on a sidebar icon for it to expand and display available options. The Customers option only appears for users with access to more than one customer.

Sidebar Options

Site Search Site Search Icon

Begin typing a search string to obtain a list of selectable matching sites for currently selected customers. Sites currently filtered out of the map will remain available in this list.

Sidebar Site Search List

Select the site on which details are required.

Sidebar Site Search

A positional marker is displayed if the selected site has coordinates but is filtered out from the map.

Sidebar Site Search

Use the Site Search Icons to open a Site Details tab, add the site to your Watched Sites list or open a Create Incident tab.

Site Search Icons

Map Filter Site Filter Icon

Click on the sidebar icon for it to expand and display available map filter options. After making your selections click on Apply Filters to update the map. Use the arrows to collapse Site Filter Collapse and expand Site Filter Collapse the filter lists

Sidebar Site Filter

This diagram helps explain filtering of sites by incidents. Selecting both Faults and Inspections may result in fewer sites than the combined total when independently selecting Faults or Inspections. This is due to some sites having both Faults and Inspections.

Sidebar Site Incidents Filter

Watched Sites Watched Sites Icon

Click on the sidebar icon for it to expand with a list of all currently watched sites. Click on a site to expand/collapse its incident details.

Sidebar Watched Sites

Use the Watched Sites Icons to open a Site Details tab, zoom to the site on the map or remove the site to your Watched Sites list or open a Create Incident tab.

Watched Site Icons

Customers Site Filter Icon

Click on the sidebar icon for it to expand with a list of currently available Customers. The map will zoom to the selected customer when ticked. Customers with no mapped sites will not appear in the customer list.

Sidebar Customer Selection

Standardised Severities (Map Pin Colours)

Each customers' Fault Code Severities can be mapped onto 3 Standardised Severity pin colours.

Standardised Severities Map Pin Icon Colours
The first severity in the list maps to a red pin, the second and third severities to amber and the remainder to blue.
Within the release of InView 5.7, you can now customise these mapping using the Customer Administration Tools as shown above.

Zoom Levels, Pin Styles and Badges

Pins styles change according to the map zoom level.

Zoom Level Pins Styles and Badges

Map Pin Options and Tooltip

Right-click on a map pin to obtain options to open a Site Details tab, add the site to your Watched Sites list or open a Create Incident tab.

Site pin options

Hovering over a map pin displays the site name with the number of incidents in brackets.

Site pin tooltip