Yunex InView - Map Prerequisites

The InView Map will only display site pins for those sites with valid Latitude and Longitude coordinates.

Customers adopting the cost option map must ensure all sites have coordinates. Setting an appropriate site icon will ensure the correct icon appears in the map site pin.Site Pin Icon

A site icon of Other is used when an appropriate icon is not available. In these instances set an appropriate Site Type string and, if there is sufficient demand, a new icon could be introduced.

Populating the Installed and Commissioned dates is recommended if intending to use Elexon Code reports and/or ACR/FURs.

Asset Management

Firstly use Asset Management to view all sites to ensure each has coordinates and appropriate icon.

Add the columns as shown below and double-click on an entry to open the site and amend its details.
Map Prerequisites

Set Site Attributes

Having identified sites in need of attention, update the site details accordingly.

Select an appropriate Site Icon.

Site Icons

Set Latitude and Longitude and optionally set Site Type and Dates.

Site Map Settings

Moving the Site Icon Play Move Site Icon

To accurately place the Site Icon, you can unlock the feature by navigating to the site and pressing the Move Icon icon, highlighted below.
InView Map
This will bring up another screen where you can change the 'Layer' of the map to be Aerial; which allows you to see the visible Road Details, by zoomig in you can click and drag the Icon as required to the new location.
Map to move site icon.