Yunex InView - Data Export
Saving data directly from existing grids

Most grids allow data to be directly exported to csv or Excel. Click here to see how to configure columns and export from data grids.

Data Export

Data Export provides 11 datasets from which data can be configured for export to a csv file. Once configured, these datasets can be saved for repeated use.

Data Export Datasets

Dataset Filters

Select a dataset, apply filters and arrange columns. Then preview the data before exporting to a csv file.

Filter and Preview

Exporting Browser Tab

On selecting the Export button, a new browser tab opens while the data is gathered and exported to a file. For large exports, this allows work to continue on other browser tabs while the export completes. The Preparing for Download tab can be closed once the file has been opened or saved.

Progress Window

Saved Data Views

The saved data views grid shows the ownership and dates for each data view.

Saved Data Views

Data Views can be saved for repeated use and amended to suit a change in requirements.

Update Data View