Yunex InView - Configuring and Using the User Interface
- How do I select Menus Items, utilise Multiple Browser Tabs, obtain Help and Logout?
Menus adjust to the users' permissions and collapse into a sidebar on narrow screens. Click here for a full explanation.
- How do I configure the Grids to display and extract the information I require?
Columns can be added, removed, moved and pinned using the column header menus. Grids can be filtered, Sorted and Exported. Click here for a full explanation.
- How do I use the Search facilities to find the item I want?
Where a field requires you to select an item (e.g in Assets, select a Site) you can choose the one you want using the drop-down. If the list of items is very long, it is possible to get the system to do a refined search by typing 2 or more characters that appear in a word in the item's name. The more characters typed, the fewer choices that will appear in the list. Multiple word or part words can be typed to further refine the search. The words do not need to be in the order they appear in the item's name.