Yunex InView - Creating Incidents

Creating a New Incident

Incidents can be created from the Create Incident button on the Home screen or from the Incidents menu dropdown.

Incident Create Menu

The create incident screen appears as below. The exact design may differ for Availability based contracts and Rail customers. Mandatory fields are highlighted in red.

Incident Create

Completing Dropdown Boxes

Dropdown boxes are used to select from a list of available entries. Entering text in the box will filter the list. This Dropdown More Entries icon indicates there are more entries than can be displayed by the dropdown box. Refine the filter with additional strings until the icon disappears. Play Dropdown Selection

Dropdown Box

Saving Incidents

The Site, Fault Code and Summary fields must be completed to create a new incident, The Severity is auto populated based on the Fault Code and the Service Level Agreement for your contract. Additional details may be entered in the Details box. When ready, press the Save button to create the Incident. The screen will change to show the incident ID and lifecycle. The grids will only display this new incident when next refreshed.

Incident Create Save

While in the draft state it is possible to make changes to the data and press Save to retain. There are then 2 choices (buttons at the top of the screen) to either Reject (discard this incident) or Submit the incident to the assigned contractor.

Parent/Child Incident Relationship

It is possible to link Incidents together as Parent/Child. To establish this relationship, create the child Incident by clicking on the "Create Child Incident" button. Thereafter the incidents will be linked, and the relationship can be seen on the Related Incidents tab (below) where the Linked column will indicate either parent or child. The Incident header for the child Incident will also show the id of the parent.

Incident Child

Printing Incidents

If available, the print Print Iconicon can be selected to run a printable report.

Incident Report
Click here for details on this Call Note report and other available reports.