Yunex InView - FAQ - History tables of an Incident or Asset

Some of the Users and Field Names in the history logs need some explanation.

User Field Name Description
Priority Update Severity Availability style contracts use automatic prioritisation of incidents based on a number of factors including the number of hours before a site will fall below its minimum availability.
User name Automatic SLA Availability style contracts use automatic prioritisation of incidents. This system generated field indicates that automatic updating of a severity is disabled once it has been manually escalated to either an Emergency or Direction. The user name indicates the person who initiated the action.
SAP Any Indicates that the field has been updated by the connected external SAP system, typically as a result of an engineer proving an information update via a mobile device. Further details of the update can be found in the notes tab.
Import Any Used to identify data that has been imported into the system typically during the setup phase prior to InView going live.

If you find other history log items which need further explanation please email Product Support Helpdesk and we will add them to this table.