Yunex InView - Site Equipment Manage Hierarchy

Reorder Equipment Hierarchy

The Equipment Type manager (Administration > Equipment Types) allows the ability to reorder Customer Managed equpment types into a hierarchial structure. Right click on any item in the equipment type list and select 'Reorder hierarchy'.

Reorder hierarchy

Upon pressing 'Reorder hierarchy', you will be presented with two grids. Everything with checkboxes on the left hand side has the ability to be relocated accordingly.

Reorder Grid

The following example demonstrates how to move the entire 'Box Sign' structure within 'Signal Head', by selecting the checkbox next to Box Sign which will select all items within that group, you can right click on 'Signal Head' within the grid on the right hand side and select 'Make Parent'.

Make parent

Once the item(s) has been reordered you will see the changes reflect in both grids.

Make parent

Changes are saved when items are relocated, for any mistakes made you will be able to repeat the above process to move the item(s) back.