Yunex InView - FAQ - Administration of Equipment Types

When permissions apply, InView allows users to take control over the available Equipment Types. This can be found by navigating to Administration -> Equipment Types.

Admin Equipment List

An expandable tree structure of equipment types will appear. Selecting an item will cause the detail box to change accordingly on the right.
It is possible to configure a Code for each type. This code can be used in some Data Exports for further analysis.

Admin Equipment Details

InView provides the possibility to use a 'Generic List' which is defined by InView Administrators and used by multiple customers, or the ability to create your own Equipment List. To add to either, right click on a 'parent' and Add Item.

Add Equipment Item

If the Generic List is used, you will be unable to modify or delete these items. These will be shown as 'Managed: Customer' or 'Managed: Siemens' as below

Managed Equipment Customer Managed Equipment

Press the Save button to preserve any changes made - otherwise, press cancel.