Yunex InView - Standard Reports

Standard InView Reports.

  • Incident - Attend and Resolve
  • Provides Incident Attend and Resolve performance charts and metrics. Click here for an example.

  • Incident - Call Note
  • Provides details on a single incident with an option to show Notes and Exclusions. Click here for an example.

  • Incident - Notes
  • This is a sub-report of Call Note and provides the optional incident Notes and Exclusions. Click here for an example.

  • Incident - Clear Code
  • Provides details of Closed and Temporary Cleared calls by fault category. Click here for an example.

  • Incident - Severity
  • Provides details of incident Status by Severity.

  • Incident - Top Sites
  • Provides information on the sites giving rise to most faults within the specified period. Click here for an example.