Yunex InView - Product Support Incident Lifecycle
Product Support Incident Lifecycle Bar |
The current state of an incident is shown highligted in the lifecycle bar.
ESS incident ideas have an additional ESS Vote state in the lifecycle bar.
Product Support Incident Lifecycle States |
Draft | Customer is preparing Incident prior to submission for action by the Product Support Team. |
Submited | Incident submitted to the Product Support Team but not yet being investigated. |
Investigation | Incident assigned to an engineer for investigation. |
Customer | Incident awaiting customer feedback or activity. Check Notes for details. |
Monitoring | System issue being monitored for recurrence/resolution. |
Development | Fault identified and passed to the Development Team for consideration in the next Service Release. |
Deployment | The fault has been fixed and is awaiting deployment. |
Closed | Incident is considered complete. |
ESS Vote | This state only appears for ESS ideas. When in this state incidents can be voted on when the voting window is open. |